Here is a list of florists & flower shops located in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada.
Most of the stores provide such services like:
flower gift and flower baskets delivery service,
flower gifts for business and personal occasions,
love and romance floral gifts, thinking of you flowers, corporate flower gifts,
new baby flowers, birthday gifts, wedding flowers and bouquets,
congratulations and appreciation flowers. Additional services can include:
get well flowers and gifts delivery,
anniversary flowers sending, flower baskets and gifts,
Christmas flowers, Mother's day, Valentine's Day, Easter flowers, Father's Day and other seasonal flowers.
Online flower shops can provide additional flower delivery services like: on-line payment over the internet, order flowers online 24 hours a day, same day delivery and sending flowers seven days a week.
Some florist shops indicate sizes of flover bouquets only in inches. Find out how to convert US Measurements (lb, in, ft) to Metric Units (kg, cm, m).
Use Conversion Calculators to find measurements in Metric units
Local area serviced by most Toronto florists & flower shops : Toronto and Greater Toronto Area - GTA, Ontario: Brampton, Mississauga, North York, Etobicoke, East York, Markham, Scarborough, York, Vaughan, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Aurora, Caledon, Newmarket, Regional Municipality of York, Regional Municipality of Halton, Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills, Burlington, Regional Municipality of Peel, Regional Municipality of Durham, Richmond Hill.