kg to t - kilograms to tons Conversion
US customary
to Metric Units

kg to t (kilograms to metric tons) Conversion

This page provides an easy to use conversion of kilograms to tons

Enter kilograms or tons and press the [Convert] button:

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Conversion Chart

kilogram to tons Conversion Chart:
0.1 kg = 0.0001 t
1 kg = 0.001 t
2 kg = 0.002 t
3 kg = 0.003 t
4 kg = 0.004 t
5 kg = 0.005 t
6 kg = 0.006 t
7 kg = 0.007 t
8 kg = 0.008 t
9 kg = 0.009 t
10 kg = 0.01 t
20 kg = 0.02 t
25 kg = 0.025 t
30 kg = 0.030 t
35 kg = 0.035 t
40 kg = 0.040 t
45 kg = 0.045 t
50 kg = 0.050 t
55 kg = 0.055 t
60 kg = 0.060 t
70 kg = 0.070 t
80 kg = 0.080 t
90 kg = 0.090 t
100 kg = 0.1 t
200 kg = 0.2 t
300 kg = 0.3 t
400 kg = 0.4 t
500 kg = 0.5 t

How to convert formula
kilograms to tons

1 metric ton is equal to 1000 kilograms.
1 kg is equal to 0.001 metric tons (tonnes).

The mass M(t) in tons is equal to the mass M(kg) in kilograms times 0.001:

M(t) = M(kg) × 0.001

Example of calculation

Convert 500 kilograms to tons:

M(t) = 500 kg × 0.001 = 0.5 t

US customary to Metric Conversion Calculators

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